Kato Group

Nanoscale Quantum Photonics Laboratory, RIKEN

For Prospective Postdocs

We are always looking for talented young scientists with a strong potential to become a principal investigator. If you are interested in joining our group, please visit our group member pages to see if you would be a good fit. Since scientific creativity is the most critical factor in developing research programs as a principal investigator, we ask that you prepare a research proposal outlining the work you would like to conduct in our group. The proposal should, above all, have clear and strong scientific merits. In addition, the proposed project should bring together your personal expertise with our group strengths and include a description of what you envision after becoming an independent principal investigator. Of course, the project should be reasonably within our research interests as well as our experimental capabilities. More information about our research can be found in the research and publications pages.

Please use the following page to search for current job openings, and submit the application documents including the above proposal.

If there are no open positions available, we are able to host postdoctoral researchers under the JSPS fellowship programs as well as the RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researchers Program. If you wish to apply to these programs, email me your CV along with the proposal for consideration.