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Hybrid silicon all-optical switching devices integrated with 2D material
Adv. Opt. Mater.
13, 2402531 (2025).
Hybrid silicon all-optical switching devices integrated with 2D material
Adv. Opt. Mater.
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Intrinsic process for upconversion photoluminescence via K-momentum-phonon coupling in carbon nanotubes
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110, 155418 (2024).
- Finite-area membrane metasurfaces for enhancing light-matter coupling in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides ACS Nano 18, 24173 (2024).
Synthesis of ultrahigh-purity (6,5) carbon nanotubes using a trimetallic catalyst
ACS Nano
18, 23979 (2024).
Optical coupling of individual air-suspended carbon nanotubes to silicon microcavities
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Self-Aligned Hybrid Nanocavities Using Atomically Thin Materials
ACS Photonics
11, 2247 (2024).
Room-temperature quantum emission from interface excitons in mixed-dimensional heterostructures
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van der Waals decoration of ultra-high-Q silica microcavities for χ(2)-χ(3) hybrid nonlinear photonics
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Intrinsic process for upconversion photoluminescence via K-momentum-phonon coupling in carbon nanotubes
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110, 155418 (2024).
Resonant exciton transfer in mixed-dimensional heterostructures for overcoming dimensional restrictions in optical processes
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- Diameter-selective sorting of single-walled carbon nanotubes using π-molecular tweezers for energy materials ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6, 1919 (2023).
Versatile tuning of Kerr soliton microcombs in crystalline microresonators
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Resonant exciton transfer in mixed-dimensional heterostructures for overcoming dimensional restrictions in optical processes
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Quantization of mode shifts in nanocavities integrated with atomically thin sheets
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- Fabricating one-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures on chirality-sorted single-walled carbon nanotubes Carbon 199, 407 (2022).
Formation of Organic Color Centers in Air-Suspended Carbon Nanotubes Using Vapor-Phase Reaction
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- Universal Map of Gas-Dependent Kinetic Selectivity in Carbon Nanotube Growth ACS Nano 16, 5627 (2022).
Evidence for near-unity radiative quantum efficiency of bright excitons in carbon nanotubes from the Purcell effect
Phys. Rev. Research
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Chiral modes near exceptional points in symmetry broken H1 photonic
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- Optical Spectroscopy of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Progress in Nanophotonics 6, edited by T. Yatsui (Springer Nature, 2021), Chap. 5, p. 135-163.
Quantum emission assisted by energy landscape modification in pentacene-decorated carbon nanotubes
ACS Photonics
8, 2367 (2021).
- Single-molecule laser nanospectroscopy with micro-electron volt energy resolution Science 373, 95 (2021).
Deterministic transfer of optical-quality carbon nanotubes for atomically defined technology
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12, 3138 (2021).
Waveguide coupled cavity-enhanced light emission from individual carbon nanotubes
APL Photonics
6, 031302 (2021).
Chiral modes near exceptional points in symmetry broken H1 photonic
crystal cavities
Phys. Rev. Research
3, 043096 (2021).
Hexagonal boron nitride as an ideal substrate for carbon nanotube photonics
ACS Photonics
7, 1773 (2020).
Hexagonal boron nitride as an ideal substrate for carbon nanotube photonics
ACS Photonics
7, 1773 (2020).
High efficiency dark-to-bright exciton conversion in carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. X
9, 041048 (2019).
Super-resolution fluorescence imaging of carbon nanotubes using a nonlinear excitonic process
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27, 17463 (2019).
- Exciton Physics in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Photonic and Optoelectronic Devices in Handbook of Carbon Nanomaterials Vol. 9: Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, Part I: A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Mildred S Dresselhaus, edited by R. B. Weisman and J. Kono (World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2019), Chap. 7, p. 269-396.
Organic molecular tuning of many-body interaction energies in air-suspended carbon nanotubes
J. Phys. Chem. C
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High efficiency dark-to-bright exciton conversion in carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. X
9, 041048 (2019).
Molecular screening effects on exciton-carrier interactions in suspended carbon nanotubes
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Enhanced Raman scattering of graphene using double resonance in silicon photonic crystal nanocavities
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Enhanced single photon emission from carbon nanotube dopant states coupled to silicon microcavities
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Single carbon nanotubes as ultrasmall all-optical memories
ACS Photonics
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Spectral tuning of optical coupling between air-mode nanobeam cavities and individual carbon nanotubes
Appl. Phys. Lett.
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Molecular screening effects on exciton-carrier interactions in suspended carbon nanotubes
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Room-temperature single photon emission from micron-long air-suspended carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. Applied
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Cold exciton electroluminescence from air-suspended carbon nanotube split-gate devices
Appl. Phys. Lett.
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Room-temperature single photon emission from micron-long air-suspended carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. Applied
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Electric-field induced activation of dark excitonic states in carbon nanotubes
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Gate-voltage induced trions in suspended carbon nanotubes
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[Editors' Suggestion]
Electric-field induced activation of dark excitonic states in carbon nanotubes
Nano Lett.
16, 2278 (2016).
Exciton diffusion, end quenching, and exciton-exciton annihilation in individual air-suspended carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. B
91, 125427 (2015).
Gate-controlled generation of optical pulse trains using individual carbon nanotubes
Nature Commun.
6, 6335 (2015).
Localized guided-mode and cavity-mode double resonance in photonic crystal nanocavities
Phys. Rev. Applied
3, 014006 (2015).
Exciton diffusion, end quenching, and exciton-exciton annihilation in individual air-suspended carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. B
91, 125427 (2015).
Ultralow mode-volume photonic crystal nanobeam cavities for high-efficiency coupling to individual carbon nanotube emitters
Nature Commun.
5, 5580 (2014).
Stark effect of excitons in individual air-suspended carbon nanotubes
Appl. Phys. Lett.
105, 161104 (2014).
Dynamic nuclear polarization from current-induced electron spin polarization
Phys. Rev. B
90, 085122 (2014).
Spontaneous exciton dissociation in carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. Lett.
112, 117401 (2014).
Giant circular dichroism in individual carbon nanotubes induced by extrinsic chirality
Phys. Rev. X
4, 011005 (2014).
Ultralow mode-volume photonic crystal nanobeam cavities for high-efficiency coupling to individual carbon nanotube emitters
Nature Commun.
5, 5580 (2014).
Optical control of individual carbon nanotube light emitters by spectral double resonance in silicon microdisk resonators
Appl. Phys. Lett.
102, 161102 (2013).
Optical control of individual carbon nanotube light emitters by spectral double resonance in silicon microdisk resonators
Appl. Phys. Lett.
102, 161102 (2013).
Enhancement of carbon nanotube photoluminescence by photonic crystal nanocavities
Appl. Phys. Lett.
101, 141124 (2012).
Enhancement of carbon nanotube photoluminescence by photonic crystal nanocavities
Appl. Phys. Lett.
101, 141124 (2012).
Gate-induced blueshift and quenching of photoluminescence in suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. B
84, 121409(R) (2011).
Gate-induced blueshift and quenching of photoluminescence in suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes
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84, 121409(R) (2011).
Exciton diffusion in air-suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. Lett.
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Exciton diffusion in air-suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes
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- Electrical manipulation of spins in nonmagnetic semiconductors J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77, 031006 (2008).
Electrically driven light emission from hot single-walled carbon nanotubes at various temperatures and ambient pressures
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- Electrically driven thermal light emission from individual single-walled carbon nanotubes Nature Nanotech. 2, 33 (2007).
Electrically driven light emission from hot single-walled carbon nanotubes at various temperatures and ambient pressures
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- Anisotropic interactions of a single spin and dark-spin spectroscopy in diamond Nature Phys. 1, 94 (2005).
- Spatial imaging of the spin Hall effect and current-induced polarization in two-dimensional electron gases Nature Phys. 1, 31 (2005).
Electrical initialization and manipulation of electron spins in an L-shaped strained n-InGaAs channel
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Electron spin interferometry using a semiconductor ring structure
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Current-induced spin polarization in strained semiconductors
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Local manipulation of nuclear spin in a semiconductor quantum well
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Local manipulation of nuclear spin in a semiconductor quantum well
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