Kato Group

Nanoscale Quantum Photonics Laboratory, RIKEN

People:Shunsuke Tanaka



2017 Ph.D., Chemistry, The University of Kyoto, Japan
Advisor: Associate Professor Kazuya Watanabe
Dissertation: Optical response in π-conjugated materials
2014 M.S., Department of Chemistry, The University of Kyoto, Japan
2012 B.S., Department of Material Science, The University of Hyogo, Japan

Professional Employment

2018.02-2019.03 Postdoctoral Resercher, Quantum Optoelectronics Research Team,
RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics
2019.04- Assistant Professor, Yoshinobu Laboratory, Tokyo University


2016 CSJ Presentation Award 2015
2016 Research Fellowship for Young Scientist (DC2), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2013 Best Poster Awards at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Molecular Science
