Articles on Our Work
RIKEN Research Highlights
- "How carbon nanotubes give out more than they receive"
"A cleaner, better way to produce single-photon emitters"
(Included in RIKEN Research, Spring 2023)
"Dark excitons can make a high contribution to light emission from nanotubes"
(Included in RIKEN Research, Summer 2020)
"Carbon nanotubes on holey silicon make bright source of single photons"
(Included in RIKEN Research, Winter 2018)
Press Release
"Engineering matter at the atomic level" (May 25th, 2021).
(Related article in RIKEN Research, Fall 2021)
Review Articles
Optical coupling of individual air-suspended carbon nanotubes to silicon microcavities
Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B
100, 320 (2024).
Deterministic manipulation of carbon nanotubes for optical devices
JSAP Review 2023, 230406 (2023).
- "Optical spectroscopy of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes", K. Liu, Y. K. Kato, S. Maruyama, in Progress in Nanophotonics 6, edited by T. Yatsui (Springer Nature, 2021), Chap. 5, p. 135-163.
- "Exciton physics in single-wall carbon nanotube photonic and optoelectronic devices", A. Ishii, H. Machiya, T. Uda, Y. K. Kato, in Handbook of Carbon Nanomaterials Vol. 9: Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, Part I: A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Mildred S Dresselhaus, edited by R. B. Weisman and J. Kono (World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2019), Chap. 7, p. 269-396.
Web Articles
"Engineering matter at the atomic level" May 25th, 2021. -
"Engineering matter at the atomic level"
Tech Explorist May 25th, 2021. -
"Engineering matter at the atomic level"
ScienceDaily May 25th, 2021. -
"Engineering matter at the atomic level"
Nanowerk May 25th, 2021. -
"Engineering matter at the atomic level"
EurekAlert AAAS Science News May 25th, 2021. -
"Carbon nanotube breakthrough: Engineering matter at the atomic level"
Newsfeeds.Media May 25th, 2021. -
“Dark excitons can make a high contribution to light emission from nanotubes”
Nanowerk March 12th, 2020. -
“Dark excitons can make a high contribution to light emission from nanotubes” March 6th, 2020.